About SBT

Spanish Book Translations is an indie literary translation start-up, which provides professional translation and editing services to self-published authors.

Ayelen Lapettina Benito and Carolina García Stroschein are trained, qualified, and experienced translators who work together to create high-quality translations of books for the Spanish-speaking market. They got their degrees in Translation Studies in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and specialise in literary translations. Together, they offer translation services and editing services from English into Latin-American Spanish to self-published authors.

"A translator is a reader, an interpreter and a creator all in one."
Carolina García photo

Truly passionate about books, Carolina enjoys reading and learning about the self-published book industry, Spanish readers’ habits and trends, as well as best marketing practices.

Some of her favourite genres are:
Some of her favourite authors are:

Ayelen Lapettina Benito

Ayelen Lapettina photo

When Ayelen isn’t busy with a book, she likes reading about translation theory, developing her creative writing, learning new languages, or visiting her local library.                  

Some of her favourite genres are:
Some of her favourite authors are:
Pile of books marked with sticky notes flags

If you’re interested in working with us, you should know that:

This means that we take the time to prioritise each project we work on to ensure that it lives up to our — and your — expectations for quality. Which in turn requires that we are conscientious regarding our availability so that we can give your book the time and care it deserves!

Our upcoming ebook is our FREE gift to you! 

Furthermore, we seek to shine a light into the world of literary translation through articles and posts we share on our blog. This is a free service to you, as we believe all self-published authors who are succeeding in the English market should also consider new markets.

If you have any questions that we haven’t addressed in our blog or ebook, please email us, and we’ll get back to you! We may even address the topic of your question on the blog, so other authors can benefit from your curiosity!

We highly encourage you to subscribe to our newsletter and check the blog regularly so that you never miss an update.

Interested in working with us?

Get in touch, tell us about your project, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!